Brand Sentiment & Perception Analysis:
Beringer Capital | Benzinga
The Challenge
Private equity group Beringer Capital was considering an investment in the premier global financial news platform Benzinga to deepen its presence across the United States. To do so effectively, they wanted to learn about the overall sentiment and perceptions towards the brand versus several direct competitors. Beringer also wanted to identify if Benzinga was considered a thought leader in the marketplace based on specific investment topics of interest.
Our Solution
A consumer sentiment analysis study was developed by analyzing online conversational data to understand the professional perceptions for Benzinga — particularly compared to its direct competitors. The analysis report included several topic-focused subsections to illustrate Benzinga’s marketplace presence with investors and brokers throughout the U.S.
The Results
Our analysis revealed several existing marketplace advantages for Benzinga on certain topics, and a particularly strong presence with certain demographic users. With these insights in hand, Beringer Capital proceeded with its investment in Benzinga. Beringer Capital advanced its positioning strategy across the U.S. by developing relationships with key media groups and influencers who would help promote and syndicate the financial news platform.
“Metric Centric helps us to understanding the marketplace sentiment and perceptions towards business sectors we target for investment by analyzing conversational data gathered from real consumers.”
Perry Miele
Chair & Managing Partner, Beringer Capital, LP