MC Insights

Fresh off the presses! Or whatever the Internet equivalent of that is! Here’s where you’ll find our latest and greatest thoughts on the industry, our clients and whatever sportsball we are currently watching.

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“The goal is to turn data into information and information into insight.” – Carly Fiorina As organizations and technology evolve, we now have access to insights that were unimaginable just 15 years ago. These insights create tangibl...

Consumers are talking now more than ever before. Audiences are growing rapidly. Likes are pouring in. Videos are being shared worldwide, and tweets are constantly catching fire across influencers. Through endless different channels, consumers are mak...

In an era of digital transformation, businesses are increasingly relying on data-driven insights to gain a competitive edge. And there are two terms that dominate the conversation: data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) analytics. While they...

It’s hard to keep up in our fast-paced digital world. You’ve got to keep a close eye on what customers are saying online, who and what they’re paying attention to and where exactly your business fits in that conversation. Obviously, social listening...

Let’s say your business just released a product and everyone is talking about it on social media. Congratulations! You now have thousands of mentions, posts and tweets. But are you getting the chatter you actually want? For organizations establishing...

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