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“Going back to the basics strengthens your foundation” – Anonymous I wish I knew who it was that said this, as it is very on point. Going back to the basics means just that: The basics. Ground zero. The fundamentals for whatever discipline your busin...
I once heard Alex Rodriguez (“A-Rod“) respond to an interview question regarding the strikeouts he had throughout his career (2,287 if you’re counting). In a very composed manner, Alex responded by saying “I’ve been at b...
Luxury has a terrible reputation. It starts with the word: The etymology of the word remains rooted in the notion of excess. And excess does reign — from the air miles involved in the annual cycle of fashion “weeks” (perhaps permanently disrupted by ...
The late, great comedian Robin Williams once said, “You will have bad times, but they will always wake you up to the stuff you weren’t paying attention to.” Early in his career, Robin Williams practiced as a mime in Central Park. H...
Everyone loves a good underdog story when the little guy goes up against the giant and wins. However, in the case of GameStop stock and individual investors vs. short selling hedge fund portfolios, who is David and who is Goliath? If you haven’t hear...