Customers are Talking. Are You Listening?
May 4, 2020
George Assimakopoulos
- business intelligence tool
- customer experience
- cx
- data analysis
- Data Analytics
- market insights
- market intelligence
- Market Research
- marketplace data analysis
- voice of customer
- Voice of the Customer
- voice of the customer tool

- Airlines can monitor concerns and anxieties towards flights and communicate how they are taking the right actions to instill passenger confidence
- Restaurants can listen to patrons to understand what they will want the most from them to ensure their safety and comfort once their tables re-open for seating
- Universities can monitor the sentiment and perception towards distance learning and improve the online teaching experience for students and faculty
- Sports organizations can listen to what fans miss the most from the arena or stadium experience and capitalize on those insights for future games and events
- OEMs can gain insights to properly evaluate existing work-environment health and safety policies and introduce new protocols which will enable workforce peace of mind
- Tech companies can listen for which product features help consumers to be more productive during social distancing – and which features do not
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