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Perception matters. Even for the U.S. government and its 445 federal agencies. When you peel back the perception of government organizations as being large, unresponsive, and disconnected there are real teams of people who endeavor to fulfill their m...
Engaging B2B customers effectively is a complex process. From addressing users differently based on their roles to maintaining proper knowledge of each account user to ensure communications are relevant and effective. Without the right data infrastru...
Analysts and marketers share a common bond over data– leveraging good data to make informed decisions drives both professional groups. The Metric Centric team benefits from expert insight on both sides that we draw on continuing to refine and i...
My customers are not on social media. B2B leadership echoes this sentiment across the country when asked about the relevancy of social media to their customers. Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and forums are dismissed as not relevant destinations for their...
Customers buy for their reasons, not yours. No matter what your product is, ultimately your company is in the education business. Your customers need to be continuously educated about the advantages of doing business with you and taught how to make o...