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Summer Fridays may be in full effect, but that doesn’t mean the expectations of your clients are any slower or lower. As August heat and humidity rises, so does the opportunity to influence or shift how metrics are integrated into fall campaigns, and...
Data is central to our decision-making process. I’m not sure we need/want to know that. Both of these statements typically happen in the same conversation with executive and marketing leadership when discussing data use by their organization. Public,...
People-watching at a coffee shop can tell you a lot about the surrounding neighborhood. The demographics of the customers and non-customers, the ebb and flow of commuter traffic, the dynamics of other nearby businesses and competitors, or even potent...
When the term “curate” shifted from the art world to the aisles of Home Goods, a general sigh of annoyance emitted from the marketing world as a useful and purposeful word “jumped the shark.” Yet, despite our collective tiredness of social influencer...
Prove your value. Agencies have different ways of stating this idea to their clients and staff. Everyday this idea is top-of-mind for agency leaders. Whether you are a creative agency, public relations, or public affairs shop you need to demonstrate...